The change is great. Be bold for the sake of your business.

Zagreb, Croatia



Get rid of him


The main purpose of campaign was to encourage customers to make changes in their home and make it easier for them to buy a new mattress. This is what we have achieved with the personification of the relationship with the old mattress as a relationship between a woman and a man who are no longer made for each other. Advertising senses the benefit of free disposal of old mattress and main essence is “Where dreams do come true” which is highlighted with possibility of finding your own dream mattress.


TV ad

Production: Švenk
Director: Judita Gamulin


Do you have a feeling like he has not been leaving  you for years? He is no longer for you and he is making you tired for so long. After a long time, every solution seems impossible… Get rid of him! Take advantage of the free disposal of your old mattress and find the mattress of your dreams. Perfecta Dreams. Where dreams do come true. 

Perfecta TV ad